Jax had been sitting on her ass all day watching that piece of shit, Brick, lay in his bed. Too drunk to fuck, thank god, but him being passed out meant she was trapped in his cabin with him. He only let her out while he was out and he kept her close by while he did anything and everything.

Before she was dragged to the captain’s quarters she had been watching the crew play dice. Brick was tired of losing and getting worse as he drank more. She knew they were getting close to the next whore house because the gambling picked up as guys tried to win more money to spend on girls. Apparently Marco, the first mate, was on a run.

Marco pounded at the door.

“Cap’n? You up yet?” he asked.

He seemed happy and anxious. He must’ve won a lot.

“Rodger’s Jolly is close enough to hail now.”

Rodger’s Jolly. She knew that place and several girls that worked there. It had been a mining operation some years ago but was abandoned after all the metal was sucked out of the rock they built it on. From what she heard it was a decent enough place to work. No one would be able to wander off with one of the girls there. Unlike where she had been working.

Brick tried to roll over a little and started cussing.

“Fuck me! What the fuck happened?”

“You passed out” Jax responded. “ And left me hear to just watch you and the paint peel in this room.”

“Fuck off”

That was Bricks standard reply to her. She knew that if she pressed him at all his other standard response would snake out and smack her across the face.

They landed at the ex-mining station turned brothel about an hour later. Brick was sobering up but his mood wasn’t really improving. Once the docking sequence was completed Brick pulled his access module from the main console and stuffed it in his bag along with his blaster and a few handfuls of coin.

He grabbed Jax by the arm. “Stay close to me!” He said as he moved her towards the dock hatch.

She hated these types of places. Even though this was a good one it was still a shit place to be stuck. Just as many girls are sold into this life as pick it. She had picked it. To her it was the least horrible thing she could do. It had kept her alive until she could find something better.

As they walked through the lobby she saw Kes. Her and Kes went way back to when she first started turning. She looked a little rough. She was still really pretty but you could see she’d been better. While Brick talked to the madam Jax made her way over by where Kes was at the bar.

“Hey Jax. You look good. ‘Cept for that bruise”

“Yeah. It could be worse. But, It could also be better”

“yeah, these fucking guys run through here like they hot shit but all they do is take other people shit and spend iit on us, drugs and booze. What I wouldn’t give to get my hands on some of that booty they keep grabbing.”

In that moment an idea came to Jax. She had little to lose. Eventually Brick would get tired of her and if she were lucky they would be somewhere like here for him to kick her out or sell her. More than likely he’d dump her in the black and that’d be it.

“Hey Kes”


“Do y’all have any Deep Night around.”

“Sure. Some of the girls really need it to sleep.”

“You think you could get me a small bottle of it?”

“Huh?, Why?” She asked “You only need a couple drops”

“Well, not if I want 10 people to fall asleep”

Jax saw Brick moving her way.

“Just get the bottle” Pointing at Marco she continued “and get with that guy over there.”

Kes quickly ducked back behind the bar and then came back out pushing a small vial into her ample cleavage.

Brick came closer and grabbed Jax by the arm.

“Where’d you run off to?”

“I saw a girl I know and thought she’d be good for Marco”

Brick’s gaze inspected Kes. He made a little gesture for her to turn around. As she did he nodded slightly to himself.

“She’ll do.”

They made their way towards the table where Marco and the rest of the crew were seated.  As they got close Marco turned in his chair to face the approaching trio. When he did Brick shoved Kes roughly towards him so that she fell into his lap.

“That’s for you”

Marco looked appraisingly at Kes and smiled “Marco keeps winning.” He says to himself as much as to the rest of the table. Some of the other crew look at Brick a little sideways at Marco’s little windfall.

Kes doesn’t wait to start warming him up. Within a minute she has him boasting and buying her a drink.

Now for the tricky part. Jax needs to get these guys to a private room.

She rubs up against Brick, who’s looking at the rest of the crew. “You know, If you got a private room they would probably throw in 2 or 3 girls to go around for the rest of the crew.” She said somewhat softly. “They might even give you one of those big rum punches for everyone.”

Brick seems to think about it for a second while he looks over his crew again. He takes a drink from his beer and then looking at Kes he says “You have until I finish this beer to make that happen.”

Jax looks at Kes and grabs her hand. “We’ll be right back” she says pulling Kes to her feet.

Turning to Kes once they are outside of earshot she asks “Ok, who do we talk to and who wants out of this place?”

A few minutes after leaving Brick sees Jax and Kes walking back towards the table. They have three girls following in their wake. They aren’t as good as the two in front but then again they aren’t for him.

“You have three more girls, three gallons of punch and the room for 300 coin” Jax said as she came up to Brick.

He kept looking the girls over.

Turning over his shoulder he says “Ok boys, don’t say I never do anything for you. “ looking back at the girls he says, “Take good care of my crew”

The girls slide in amongst the pirates, touching each one that is close and smiling as they catch the eyes of one of the crew. These were friends of Kes’s. Girls she knew were aching to leave this place. Two were sold to the Jolly after being captured by a crew very similar to the one they are now working to keep happy. None of them knew what was going to happen they just knew there was a chance they might be able to get out.

Brick moved their group through the lobby towards the entrance to the private rooms. He made a bit of a show of it and wanted everyone to know where they were heading. Once they got to their room he was not happy that it was locked.

“Stay” he barked at Jax and headed off towards the closest hostess he could see.

Kes looked anxiously at Jax. She had been so fucking nervous ever since she put that shit down her top. She just knew they were going to find it on her. That asshole was feeling her up so much already that he just about hit the bottle more than once.

Kes was looking at Jax practically yelling ‘Help me’ with her expression. Jax had been trying to think of a way to get the Deep Night from Kes but with it lodged firmly in her top it wasn’t going to easy. Particularly since Marco was constantly draped on her. Well, she didn’t blame him, Kes was pretty.

Looking back at Brick she could see he was tied up with the hostess. She moved up next to Kes and ran her hand over her wavy hair until it was holding the back of Kes’ head. She then grabbed a handful her hair and forced her head to turn towards her so that she could have a very deep kiss. This got Marco and the rest of the crews attention.

As she made out with Kes the crew watched approvingly. Jax’s hand slid from Kes’ neck to her breast. With just a little pressure her hand moved inside of Kes’ shirt to cup her breast and the bottle at the same time. Jax’s fingers quickly felt the vial nestled between her breasts neatly fall away into her palm as she made a show of feeling the other girl up.

Jax’s hand came out with the bottle of sedative neatly hidden. As she stopped kissing the other girl she moaned a bit “Mmmm…. This one tastes good. You’re definitely winning tonight Marco.”

“Fuck yeah!” was his only response. Whether it was to what she said or the show she’d just put on she wasn’t sure.

Well that wasn’t what Kes had been expecting. She was very relieved having it removed and a little more than flushed by the way it was removed. Jax really knows how to use her fingers.

Within a few minutes Brick and the hostess were back opening the door to the room. A large round table with a very large punch bowl on it dominated the center of the room.

Jax casually wandered towards the punchbowl. Looking in at the enticing liquid she could smell the alcohol coming up from it.

“They said that this is based on an old pirate recipe from Earth.” Brick didn’t seem impressed but did say “Start pouring me some” before he pulled a chair out and sat down with his back towards her.

Reaching to grab the ladle she slyly tilted the bottle of Deep Night into the bowl. All of the girls knew not to drink the punch. They had already told the crew ‘they weren’t allowed’ to have any. Jax had made a show of stating that she could have some.

“Bitch. You get what I say you can get” Brick said, almost exactly the way she had imagined it as well.

It didn’t take long for the sleep aid to kick in. It is generally a fast acting sedative but particularly so when paired with alcohol. Brick didn’t finish his second cup. Most of the others were still on their first or second as well. Only Marco was still conscious.

It took him a bit to notice that the room was getting quieter and that more and more of the crew were slumped over on the table or asleep on the floor. Once he did notice he stood up and looked around suspiciously. Then with a big grin and wave of his arms proclaimed “Marco wins again. All you bitches are mine.”

Then, falling face first, he slammed onto the table. His head making a somewhat hollow noise when he hit.

‘He’s going to feel that tomorrow’ Jax thought to herself. Out loud she said “Finally!”

Then she began running her hands through all of Bricks pockets. She pulled out everything he had on him. Which it turned out was exactly one thing, a keycard.

“Found you!” She exclaimed.

“It’s a key to the lockers in front.” Kes informed her.

She looked around at the other girls. Most were just staring back at her not knowing what in the hell was going on.

Take whatever they have on them and lets get out of here.” She commanded. The girls continued to stare. “Now!” she shouted and a then they started moving. Pulling bits of things from the shirts, pockets and boots of the passed out pirates. Most had nothing but a keycard on them.

“That’s enough. Let’s get going” Jax said.

“Where?” asked one of the girls

“First the lockers and then Our ship.” Jax informed her.

Getting to the lockers was pretty straight forward. They spread out through the lobby and each made their way to reception area and then past that to towards the docking stations. Between reception and docking was security and the lockers. Weapons and almost any other personal items were stored in the lockers. The house didn’t like armed guests and the guests didn’t like sticky fingered whores.

There were only three guards by the lockers and they were mainly concerned with the people coming in from the ships. The girls were able to quickly step into the locker room without much notice. They were on camera of course but those weren’t watched too diligently.

Everyone holding a keycard quickly made her way to the locker indicated on their card. Jax had just cleaned out Bricks shit from hers when she heard a guy yelling.

“You bitches aren’t allowed in here!”

Jax turned to him “Fuck off. I’m a guest”

“Well these aren’t” He said waving at the other girls.

Jax was stuck. She could leave the others and quietly make her way to the ship or… Fuck! She thought to herself as she pulled Brick’s blaster from the locker and shot the guard before he even registered what was happening.

“Fuck!” she said. This time out loud. “Lets get to the ship. Bay 29”

Two of the girls pulled the dead guard into the locker room while the rest gathered what they could from the lockers.

Quickly looking out of the locker room Jax didn’t see any other guards nearby.

“Let’s go” She said waving the other girls forward.

They moved as fast as they could down the corridor towards Bay 29. It wasn’t far but it felt miles away. Jax felt like a rabbit in an open field with hawks flying everywhere.

Bay 29 was a simple pressure dock. The docking ship attaches to the outside with a universal docking hatch. Once the dock is sealed the bay pressurizes and the exterior hatch door opens so that the ship doors can open and the crew enter the bay. Which only holds about 5-6 people. The bay has an interior door that opens onto the corridor that Jax and her girls are now stopping in.

“Here we go!” she said

Just as she pulled out the access key for bay 29 she heard shouting. Jax looked up just in time to see one of the guards pull the trigger on his blaster. The blasters are directed energy weapons. They send a finely tuned burst of energy down a very straight path. When that burst of energy hits something with a lot of electrical resistance like say the metal wall of a corridor it simply dissipates into the wall and wires and stuff. It can sometimes fuck up the electronics but it doesn’t make holes in the walls which is good for spaceships and stations built on places with no atmosphere. But when that same burst hits flesh well it fucks it up real good.

Jax saw Nisa take the burst straight in the belly. It had seared open her skin and was cooking her insides before she hit the ground.

Bay 29’s door suddenly slid open. The door opening jarred the girls from their shock of seeing Nisa dropped like that. They quickly pushed into the bay.

Jax looked down the hall and raised what she now considered her blaster at the guards and fired. She missed but they stopped running at them.

She turned back to the girls only to see Char turning a bottle of rum up to take a drink.

“You’re drinking..Now!?” Jax exclaimed.

“Bitch I might die trying to get out of this shit hole. I ain’t doing it sober” Char responded

Jax looked at her for a second. “Right. Give me some” she said grabbing the bottle from Char and taking a large swig.

“You two” she said to Kes and Rona. “Shoot down that hall while I get us in the ship”

“I don’t know how to shoot” Rona said

“Just point down the hall and pull the trigger.” She said pulling a blaster from the stack of things Rona held to her chest “You don’t need to hit anyone just keep them back for a bit”

Rona took the blaster and Jax turned to the door holding Bricks access module.

“You need more than that to get in.” Kes said.

Jax looked at her. “That fucker dragged me everywhere he went for over a month. I watched him sleep, take shits..” she turned to the keypad and starting punching in numbers. “…and punch in his access codes more times than I want to remember”

The hatch to the ship opened quickly.

“Get your asses in there now!” Jax commanded. They all jumped to comply.

Jax took one last look down the hall and released several shots. Hopefully that gives them a little extra time.

Jax ran through the docking hatch, hitting the ‘Close’ button as she went straight towards Command. She stopped in front of the main command console and inserted the access module. She punched in Brick’s access codes and watch it all light up. The computer came to life and she had access to everything.

She quickly made her way through the menus of options for the ship and selected ‘Take Off’. This system was pretty dumb and had no voice interface but it was still smart enough to do all the basics.

The ship ran through all the checks and procedures as guards pounded on the outside of the ship. Once the ship told the station they were unsealing the outside bay door closed. Creating a barrier the guards would not break through.

Liftoff was smooth and soon they were speeding away from the asteroid and into the black. Rona looked up at Jax. She didn’t seem as relieved as Jax was to get away.

“What are we going to do in space. We’re just a bunch of hookers.” She whined.

“No” Jax said looking around at all of them. “We’re Hooker Pirates!” She said smiling. “And we are going to do what pirates do… steal some booty!”